How the Daily Record told a pack of lies about me on their front page - and didn't get away with it
Today, for the first and last time in my life, I bought a copy of the Daily Record. It certainly wasn't the umpteenth hysterical front page headline about the Alex Salmond "scandal" that made the purchase irresistible, but instead something printed in much smaller lettering at the foot of the front page. "IPSO upholds sperm donor complaint against the Daily Record - See Page 2." That was a reference to a complaint against the Record that I submitted to the press regulator IPSO some four-and-a-half months ago. It's relatively rare for IPSO to uphold a complaint, and very, very rare for them to force a publication to make a front page reference to an adjudication, which gives you some idea of the seriousness of the Record's transgression. There has been a lot of pious talk as the Salmond story has unfolded about Record journalists "just doing their job" in a democratic society, but in case anyone is tempted to give them the benefit of the ...